I’m an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at NC State. I specialize in surrogate modeling of computer experiments including uncertainty quantification, active learning, Bayesian optimization, and reliability analysis. My recent focus has been on developing deep Gaussian processes as surrogate models; I maintain the open-source deepgp R-package on CRAN.

I earned my Ph.D. in Statistics at Virginia Tech in 2023, where I was advised by Bobby Gramacy and Dave Higdon. My Ph.D. dissertation was recently selected as a finalist for the 2023 Savage Award.

NOTE: I previously published under my maiden name, Annie Sauer.

News and Highlights

  • New paper on failure probability estimation with Gaussian process surrogates on arXiv
  • I’m starting work on a new project funded by the NSF to study digital twins of rotating detonation combustors for clean energy production, with James Braun
  • New paper on contour location with deep Gaussian processes just accepted to the Annals of Applied Statistics
  • New paper on monotonic warpings for deep Gaussian processes on arXiv
  • In 2024 I began a new project funded by the NCSU Controlled Environment Agriculture Coalition to study optimization of plant placement in greenhouses, with James Braun and Ricardo Herandez
  • I attended the 2024 ISBA World Meeting in Venice, Italy to present my dissertation research as a finalist for the Savage Award
  • I was recently selected as the recipient of the Shewell Award for my presentation at the 2023 Fall Technical Conference
  • New paper on Bayesian optimization on arXiv

To keep this page short and sweet, old news is archived here.